The web platform documenta studies brings together a direct engagement with documenta’s history and present as well as reflections on wider relevant curatorial practices, formats, and institutions. It accompanies the establishment of the documenta Institute in Kassel, in order to create a public space for critical documenta- and exhibition studies in parallel with the physical construction of the institution. documenta studies is an initiative of documenta professor Nora Sternfeld, developed in collaboration with her team.
Online Archive about the Political Nature of the Early documenta Exhibitions
presentation by Minna Henriksson (Artist, Helsinki)
During the presentation of the web platform the artist Minna Henriksson will be speaking about her artistic research project Abstracta – Online Archive about the Political Nature of the Early documenta Exhibition commissioned by documenta studies.
We are very grateful for the support of the documenta forum and the Impulse für Kassel foundation.
Hörsaal | Auditorium
Kunsthochschule Kassel
Menzelstraße 13–15
34121 Kassel
© Nicolas Wefers