
Shadow Worlds of documenta
An open program at 36. Kassler Dokumentarfilm- and Videofestival
Bertolt Brecht wrote: “Because some are in the dark / And the others are in the light. / And you see the ones in the light / You cannot see those in the dark.” But what if it is precisely the shadow that holds the potential for counter-hegemonic organization and work to change existing conditions? Based on this idea, a public program is dedicated to experiences, memories, affects and aspects of the history of documenta that otherwise find Little attention in the public. We invite you to put yourself in the shade and watch amateur films, update manifests, exchange memories and critically analyze discourses.
Three main topics structure the program:
• Who owns the truth? Insights into documenta
through amateur videos
• At the bottom of the poster. Critical investigations
of myths, discourses and self-conceptions
on documenta exhibitions. What is proclaimed?
And what is being transported?
• Manifests of the Hybrid Work Space, No one is
illegal 1197, 2017, 2019
With cinematic contributions by Heidemarie Peter, Heinrich Poradowski, Helmut Schmalz, Klaus H. Lohmann, R. Gerner, Rainer Lutter und and Herbert Westerhoff, Walter Hildebrandt, Walter Langsdorf, Werner Kossin, Wilfried Kaske, Willi Sonnenfeld, Wolfgang Claus
A lecture by Cornelia Sollfrank
A sound Performance by Grégoire Rousseau
And talks with Simon Großpietsch, Kai-Uwe Hemken, Gerhard Panzer, Mirl Redmann
Thursday, 14.11., 14:00-18:30 Uhr
Opening and Introduction Nora Sternfeld und Alexander Zeisberg, Untere Karlsstr. 8, 34117 Kassel
Reading of the manifests of the Hybrid Work
Space (documenta X 1997), Untere Karlsstr. 8, 34117 Kassel
At the bottom of the poster Round-table discussion with Simon Großpietsch, Kai-Uwe Hemken, Gerhard Panzer, Mirl Redmann, Untere Karlsstr. 8, 34117 Kassel
Friday, 15.11., 11:00–22:00 Uhr
11:00–12:30 Uhr
Lecture by Cornelia Sollfrank,
Friday 15.11., 11:00–12:30, Bali Kino, Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1, 34117 Kassel
Digital dreams and post-digital awakening
In her lecture, Cornelia Sollfrank reflects on the spirit of cyberfeminism of the 90s and makes connections to contemporary concepts and practices of technofeminism.
Cornelia Sollfrank (PhD) is a pioneer of cyberfeminism and net art in Germany. She is co-founder of the collective Old Boys Network, -Innen und frauen-und-technik and currently works as a researcher at the Zurich University of the Arts.
14:00–16:00 Uhr
No one is illegal, Round-table discussion, studyroom, Untere Karlsstr. 8, 34117 Kassel
16:30–18:30 Uhr
Who owns the truth?, Round-table discussion, studyroom, Untere Karlsstr. 8, 34117 Kassel
20:30–22:00 Uhr
Sound-Performance von Grégoire Rousseau
studyroom, Untere Karlsstr. 8, 34117 Kassel
Sounds of „Cyberfeminism is not using Words without any Knowledge of Numbers“
Sounds of Cyberfeminism
The performance reflects on sentence 13 of the manifesto. By utilising a clever double negation, the sentence affirms the necessity of words, or meaning, to work together with knowledge of numbers. Numbers alone would just imply to a simple collection of factual references. Instead, knowledge of numbers integrates the idea of an intelligence within, an algorithm operating together on equal ground with text to produce a singular cyberfeminist position. This strong position resonates only too loud with the contemporary situation: big data centres development and loss of collective discourse embedded, or promoted by capitalist manoeuvres. The performance aims at reactivating the necessary convergence of words and knowledge of numbers in a performative form. The text is interpreted from its digital form to produce new sounds. The knowledge of number, and its ability to process data, together with words emerges as a force to bring people together.
Website Grégoire Rousseau:
A project of Mirjam Habtemichael, Katja Häckel, Pia Jansen, Romo Schomerus, Johanna Schreiner
Within the frame of „Medien und Wahrheit“, a seminar of Nora Sternfeld, documenta professor, in cooperation with Alexander Zeisberg, Media Collection, documenta archiv.
Curated by von Julia Stolba
With friendly support of:
documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH
Opening times:
Thursday, 14.11.2019: 14:00–18:30
Friday, 15.11.2019: 11:00–22:00