
Space for Sharing and Knowing differently
July 18th to 21st
During the Rundgang of Kunsthochschule Kassel
Nordbau, Rooms 0305–0307
Kunsthochschule Kassel, Menzelstr. 13–15, 34121 Kassel
How can we learn something that we do not know yet? On the one hand this sounds like a paradox, yet on the other; is this not the core of all research?
The department of Redaktionelles Gestalten, within the field of Visuelle Kommunikation, and the transnational, transdisciplinary research seminar “Exhibition Studies” of the documenta professor, department of art history and theory, are working together for the Rundgang of the Kunsthochschule Kassel. Together we are thinking about new curatorial practices, which question, subvert and expand familiar concepts, as much as disciplinary western methodologies. We are working on imaginations of a different ‘How’ through researching, thinking, designing and acting – and trying them out in practice.
The spaces in the department of Redaktionelles Gestalten will be transformed for the duration of the Rundgang into a performative open area in which lectures, presentations, interventions, book releases, workshops and performances will take place. Therefore, the room evolves into a social space in which forms of knowledge shall, from different contexts, come together and will be connected – not only spatially but also practically and theoretically.
We are not presenting an exhibition of finished products; we are showing what we know – and what we do not know yet but can imagine, and above all what we can learn from each other, together.
Visitors and colleagues of the Kunsthochschule are welcomed to be part of HOW? WOW! WOW… and to not only see the collective shift of knowledge, but also to be it.