
How can we learn something that we don’t know yet? On the one hand this sounds like a paradox, but isn’t it actually what research is all about? And how can exhibitions and curatorial practices of knowledge production challenge what can be said, done and seen? The research seminar is a transnational context for sharing work on critical documenta and exhibition studies.
The seminar takes place for one week every semester in Kassel. The aim is both, very pragmatic towards advancing research processes and admitting that research is full of loopings, blockages and new beginnings. We share strategies of knowledge production as exploration, analysis, reflection, investigation and imagination. We discuss methodologies and readings, explore approaches and allow us to encounter dead ends.
The seminar is an open context for resaerchers in documenta and exhibition studies. Everyone who subscribes to this mailinglist will be invited and can collaborate in the process. The list is open but to subscribe means to engage in the process.
With: Amarildo Valeriano Ajasse, Ahmed Al-Nawas, Freja Bäckman, Liset Castellanos, Raphael Daibert, Angelika Doppelbauer, Theresa Fichtel, Jan-Hendrik Gebbe, Ksenia Kaverina, Clara Ronsdorf, Clara Sakic, Mira Simon, Julia Stolba, Lorena Vicini, Christopher Wessels
Organization: Nora Sternfeld (documenta Professorin, Kunsthochschule Kassel)
Dates for Research Seminar Exhibition Studies
The fourth research seminar exhibition studies will take place from the 13th to the 19th of July 2020 followed by a public Summer Seminar during the Rundgang of Kunsthochschule Kassel with international researchers.
The third research seminar exhibition studies took place from the 14th to the 18th of October 2019, in the studyroom of the documenta professorship and at the HGB Leipzig.
Pictures: Nanne Buurmann
The second research seminar exhibition studies took place from the 15th to the 20th of July 2019 followed by a public Summer Seminar during the Rundgang of Kunsthochschule Kassel: How? Wow! Wow… Knowing Differently with 31 international researchers
Pictures: Nanne Buurmann
The first research seminar exhibition studies took place from the 8th to the 12th of October 2018 in the study room of the documenta professorship with 15 international researchers.
Picture: Lorena Vicini